‘Sóc un objecte de la teva fantasia’ (I’m the Object of your Fantasy), panel discussion on the work of Ro Caminal

Ro Caminal, an artist who explores the world of representation and works at the crossroads of visual art and anthropology, began her research in room 48 at the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya (Orientalisms), focusing on one piece is particular: In the presence of the Lord (1891) by Francesc Masriera. Through this piece, she began questioning representation and the gaze as colonial devices. Starting from the ideas of scholar Edward Said, who saw Orientalism as relying on a binary opposition between the West and the East, Ro Caminal presented a complementary placard revising the original. The phrase “I’m an object of your fantasy” highlights aspects that encourage a new reading of the piece through critical thinking.
